The Starting Blocks

Thursday, September 6, 2007

By the book: CU's Manning tracks compliance

..."The company had changed the ingredients in its Powerbars in August 2006 and failed to inform the school..." Read the entire article here.

Can you bet your athletic career on companies who don't respect you? Any one of the athletes who participated in this nutritional fiasco would have tested positive for banned substances.

Consider this argument: If a company has a product line which is advertised as being compliant with banned substance regulations, and also has a product line which is less restricted... Do they make their products out of the same vats? Is it at all possible that trace elements from the less restricted products could show up in the products you need to be taking?

How careful are you being about the nutritional supplements you're taking? How careful is the company who makes those products?

Here is a bit of information to consider before you are a victim of a career destroying mistake.

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posted by The Starting Blocks at 12:16 PM


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