The Starting Blocks

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Testimonial on benefits of Physique for the elderly

As you know, the nutritional needs of mature individuals is unique. Digestion, muscle mass and hormonal regulation tend to decrease. Body fat and blood cholesterol levels tend to increase. Cardiovascular efficiency, blood sugar regulation and energy levels tend to decrease. This observation seems to be related to the aging process and made us ask the question "What factor seems to have the greatest effect on aging?"

After two years of recommending Physique to 210 elderly patients (men and women between 65 and 84) at this clinic we noticed some amazing results that we would like to share with you.

*1) 72% of people over 65 years of age who began using Physique daily had an increase in energy and * more muscle mass after 6 months.
*2) Sugar regulation in those who had been hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic returned to normal in 56% * of the cases within 3 months after starting daily use of Physique.
*3) 60% of all elderly patients following our recommended exercises had less muscle and joint ** symptoms within 3 months after daily use of Physique.

These findings can only suggest that Shaklee Physique is a very useful addition to the nutritional program of the elderly population who are physically active and taking positive steps to maintain their health. When maximizing the diet and regularly supplementing, significant benefits can be gained by the elderly using Physique.

We are very excited about these findings and hope that mature people and not just young people will take advantage of this outstanding product.

Richard Brouse, M.A., D.C.

View this article.

If this is the effect you can achieve when you're older, what can you expect as a younger athlete?

posted by The Starting Blocks at 7:50 AM


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